Over 50,000 houseplants sold. Let's grow.....Free delivery on orders over £75

Houseplant Library

Taking cutting of plant to propagate
pest on green plant
Monstera adansonii about to be repotted

General Houseplant Care

How to Repot Houseplants - To Repot or Not?

chunky potting mix

General Houseplant Care

What is potting mix?

Common Interior Plants

Plant Knowledge

Common Interior Plants

Fungus gnat on indoor plant
indoor plants
green office plants

Plant Knowledge

The Ultimate Guide to Office Plants

Plants photosynthesising

General Houseplant Care

Understanding Light by Jonny Davies

Three thrips on leaf
3 mealybugs on stem
Botanical Glossary

Plant Knowledge

Botanical Glossary

Systema Nature
Hoya plant
How often should I water my plants?

Houseplant Tips

How often should I water my plants? By Lisa Price


Houseplant Myth Busters

Do houseplants really clean the air? By Jonny Davies

Dionaea muscipula
Cold Houseplants
Plants in the wild

Plant Knowledge

For the love of Epiphytes by Lisa Price

Image of fungal spores as seen through a microscope
Overwatered plant leaves

General Houseplant Care

Marantaceae Care Guide

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